The Director of LIREC presented the guidelines, foundations and strategies that the Center intends to implement to favor a secular approach to the problem of religious, spiritual and non-religious minorities, with all the social, political and juridical consequences generated by the diffusion of these realities, also as a result of the growing phenomenon of migratory flows.
There are many key ideas that guide the activity of LIREC: most important of all, the abolition of the privileges of the majority to the detriment of all the others, as, so says the Director, "in order to protect everyone, it is necessary that nobody is privileged".
Moreover, religious freedom is not an issue for believers, but rather a secular problem on which the health of secular society depends. The LIREC Center respects and promotes religious, spiritual and non-religious diversities and arises within a society whose secularity is understood as a model of civilization in which the values f equality are higher than differences.
LIREC claims its secularism: no group - believer, non-believer, atheist, majority or minority - has more say than others. LAICITY, therefore, is within the protagonists, within the objectives to be achieved and within the approaches through which those objectives are to be achieved.
LIREC intends to refer to and implement, in the course of its activities, the Guidelines issued by the Council of the European Union in 2013, to report to the Italian and foreign institutions violations of the Freedom of Religion, Belief and Conscience occurring in Italy and in the world.
The conference was structured into three round table discussions:
During this round table discussion, moderated by Raffaella Di Marzio, Silvio Palombo (Damanhur, Community Federation), Paolo Narya Tosetto (External Relations Manager of Ananda Association) and Ataul Wasih Tariq (Vice President and Imam of the Ahmadiyya Community) have presented their testimony to some situations of violation in Italy and Pakistan.